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McGill Senate approves the final report of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on COVID Academic Planning

AGSEM was recently informed that on May 11th, 2022, McGill Senate approved the recommendations presented in the Final Report of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on COVID Academic Planning and Policies.

According to those recommendations:

  • All courses will be delivered in person, except for those specifically designed and approved to be delivered online.

  • The temporary, general provision that 20% of contact hours may be online, as instituted by Senate motion, was confined to the Winter 2022 term. Individual instructors may retain some limited flexibility to integrate occasional remote components to their course (e.g., bringing in guest lectures; teaching a class remotely while travelling, instead of cancelling and scheduling a makeup).

In addition to these key points, the report includes recommendations in relation to accommodations and accessibility (pp. 5–6) and to final examinations (pp. 6–7), prioritizing in-person academic activity.

In sum, the university – including the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – will return fully to in-person teaching and learning in the Fall 2022 term.

We encourage all AGSEM members to contact us in case you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to McGill's planning for the teaching activities in the fall semester.

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Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill

The Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) was accredited in 1993 to represent Teaching Assistants at McGill, making us the oldest TA Union in the province. Invigilators joined AGSEM in 2010 and Course Lecturers in 2011. Course lecturers have since separated into the McGill Course Lecturers and Instructors Union (MCLIU).

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Phone: 514-398-2582

*While we check our voicemail on a regular basis, we are currently not in-office. For time-sensitive matters, please email us.  

3641 rue University, suite 207
Montréal, Québec H3A 2B3

*Please note that our office is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.

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