1. Information sheet for implicit and anonymous consent

Title of the research:
Survey on the motivations of employees based on contract duration
Principal researcher:
James Michaud (Faculté des sciences de l'administration
Université Laval)
Context of the project: Project carried out as part of James Michaud's doctorate in administrative sciences, under the supervision of Marie-Ève ​​Dufour, Ph.D, CHRP, associate professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Laval University
Project Information
This survey aims to understand the motivations of both fixed-term and permanent contract employees, as well as to identify the differences between these employment statuses. The results will help organizations to better manage employees according to their employment status.

A fixed-term contract employee works for a single employer for a fixed period of time or according to the completion of a specific project. An employee on a permanent contract works for a single employer, with no end date.

Your participation
Your participation in this research will consist of completing this questionnaire, which covers topics such as your current perceptions of your work, as well as your behaviors. It will take about 30 minutes of your time. There are no right or wrong answers.

Your participation is completely voluntary and carries no risk. We invite you to choose one answer per question and to answer all the questions in order to allow us to carry out analyzes that are valid.

Although the answers to each of the questions are important for the research, you remain free to choose not to answer any of them or to end your participation at any time. However, since no data allowing you to be identified (e.g. name, contact details) will be collected by the questionnaire, the data obtained from a participant who chooses to withdraw from the project after submitting his questionnaire cannot be destroyed.

Your participation involves no risk. The information you give us will only be used for the purposes of this research. Your answers will be kept in a confidential database. No respondent will be identified, have their name or results appear in any report or other publication. Personal data will be destroyed five (5) years after the end of the project (December 2028); only data that does not allow you to be identified may be kept after this date, in aggregate form.

Your collaboration is invaluable to enable us to carry out this study. This is why we would like to thank you for the time and attention you are contributing towards participation in this study.

Attestation of Consent
The simple return of the completed questionnaire will be considered as the implicit expression of your consent to participate in the project.

Additional Information
If you have any questions about the research or the implications of your participation, please contact:

James Michaud
PhD student, Faculty of Administration Sciences
Laval University
Email: james.michaud.1@ulaval.ca
Complaints or criticisms

If you have any complaints or criticisms relating to your participation in this research, you can contact, in complete confidentiality, the office of the Ombudsman of Université Laval at the following coordinates:

Alphonse-Desjardins Building, Suite 3320
2325 University Street
Laval University
Quebec (Quebec) G1V 0A6
Information - Secretariat: (418) 656-3081
Toll-free line: 1-866-323-2271
Email: info@ombudsman.ulaval.ca

Important Notes:

Please note that each question is for anyone, regardless of gender.

The data will be processed by computer in an aggregated manner to ensure confidentiality. Therefore, it will be impossible to identify the respondents.

© 2022 All reproduction and translation rights reserved.


This project has been approved by the Laval University Research Ethics Committee: Approval No. 2022-064 / 31-03-2022
8% of survey complete.