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Wed, 29 Sept



Invigilator Unit Assembly

This Invigilators' assembly is held for the purpose of holding elections for Invigilator Bargaining Committee positions. If you are an eligible member of Unit 2, you are invited to run to be a member of the next bargaining committee. RSVP required.

Registration is Closed
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Invigilator Unit Assembly
Invigilator Unit Assembly

Time & Location

29 Sept 2021, 17:30 GMT-4


About The Event

The next Invigilators' Assembly is on September 29, 2021, at 5:30pm. for the purpose of holding elections for Invigilator Bargaining Committee positions. If you currently work or have worked as an Invigilator at any point since May 1st, 2019 (membership is currently frozen due to the COVID-19 shutdown), you are entitled to attend, speak, and vote at this assembly; however, since this is an online assembly, we require you to register in advance. If you wish to attend, we recommend you RSVP as soon as possible here.

You are also invited to submit any topic of discussion or motion to adopt that you wish, simply by emailing the chair at, up to 24 hours before the start of the meeting.

Registration is necessary to attend the meeting, and the meeting information and agenda will be sent to those who register in advance. Registration will be open until September 28 at 5:30PM, 24hrs in advance of the meeting. We will follow up with registrants for whom we do not have a signed AGSEM membership form.

Nomination Period Now Open

Invigilator Bargaining Committee strives to address the issues of work and employment environment, improve the benefits and salary of invigilators, through the negotiations of the new collective agreement with McGill. The union efforts are in a transparent, equitable and Employee-wellness oriented process for establishing a progressive workplace. For more information on Bargaining and our priorities please visit our website, and our policies are here.

The positions require good organizational skills and time management.The Chair of the Invigilator Bargaining Committee has a number of additional responsibilities from a regular committee member. The Chair is responsible for organizing and leading committee meetings, preparing agendas for meetings, maintaining documents for negotiations, as well as keeping an active flow of information in reporting to other AGSEM committees and the Delegates' Council, delegating tasks, and tracking the progress of the committee.

Official descriptions of the positions are available here.

There are two types of positions open in the Bargaining Committee, chair (1) and officers (2). Each position is remunerated for 90 hours per semester at the new TA rate ($32.38$/hr). The nomination period is now open until September 27, 2021, 7:00pm EST, two (2) days before the assembly. Nomination forms must be signed by the nominee and five (5) Unit 2 members in good standing. Unit 2 members in good standing have worked as an invigilator at least once since May 1st, 2019, and have signed and submitted an AGSEM membership form. Filled-out nomination forms, including self-nominations, for any of the EC or BC positions must be sent to If you have any questions or concerns please also contact the President at the email above. A Unit 2 member in good standing may be nominated for only one of the two positions during the nomination period. Members can also run in absentia provided they submit a nomination form prior to the Assembly. Members can also nominate and run for positions during the meeting from the floor, provided there are one or fewer people running for a given position.


AGSEM and McGill began negotiations for a new Collective Agreement in March 2021. We have reached agreements in principle on Articles 1–4, 6, before breaking for summer. We will begin negotiating again on September 9, 2021, starting with Article 8. The Bargaining Committee regularly provides updates on the AGSEM website, where you can also find our list of bargaining priorities.

Hope to see you there!

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